Mar 12, 2018 - 13930

Sumber foto: Instagram
SECARA amnya, ramai pelajar takut akan subjek Matematik. Dan anak-anak berbangsa Melayu sering dikaitkan dengan stigma lemah subjek Matematik. Mengapa ini terjadi? Mengapa ramai anak Melayu takut dan lemah semangat sebelum mula berjuang menjawab soalan Matematik?

Sumber foto: Instagram
Keupayaan untuk cerdik Matematik nampaknya jadi cabaran dalam kalangan anak-anak kecil yang baru bersekolah rendah. Apatah lagi apabila hadirnya soalan-soalan KBAT yang banyak membuat pelajar berasa takut sebelum mencuba.

Sumber foto: Instagram
Angkasawan Negara Malaysia yang pertama, Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie bin Sheikh Mustapha sememangnya popular dalam kalangan netizen kerana video-video yang dimuat naik di laman Instagramnya banyak memberikan tips ‘parenting’ yang amat berguna.
Baru-baru ini, Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar memuat naik sebuah video pendek yang menunjukkan bagaimana Bella menyelesaikan masalah operasi darab yang sangat kompleks. Namun yang paling mengagumkan netizen, pada usia semudanya, Bella hanya mengambil masa kurang daripada 43 saat untuk menyelesaikan soalan yang berbunyi: 8568 bahagi 372.
Masalah Matematik Panjang, Bella Selesaikan Kurang Daripada 43 Saat!
Ini Catatan Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar: Bella’s Maths is just getting tougher! I always felt Maths is the mother of all subjects. You excel in Maths and you will excel in life. That’s my philosophy which I try to pass down to my kids. I start to introduce Maths to my girls since they were 3 years old and.
Alhamdulillah Bella has mastered plus, minus, multiplication and division. I’m drilling her into fraction now and soon will be doing algebra with her.
As for Tasha she’s still with her minus and are progressing well. We spend about 30 minutes daily on Maths with the girls and they seem to be enjoying every minute of it.
Insya-Allah, your child would love Maths too if you start them at a very early age.
PS: 8568 divide by 372 — I always have my phone calculator under the table just to check on her answers…
Lagi Tips Supaya Anak Anda Celik & Cerdik Matematik
Berikut adalah beberapa pertanyaan netizen yang menanyakan petua membentuk anak celik dan cerdik Matematik seperti yang selalu Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar amalkan. Selamat membaca dan selamat beramal.
Apabila Netizen Bertanya, Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Jawab, Malah Tidak Kedekut Kongsi Tips
Soalan Netizen
I fell the same way doc and I too have my phone calculator when my daughter does her Math. By the way, how do you keep your daughter motivated doing kumon exercises as my daughter felt at certain time boring doing it? She is same age as Bella and doing Division as well.
Jawapan Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Untuk :
Take a break if she shows some disinterest. Then come back when she’s ready even if it means a few days later.
Soalan Netizen
: Doktor, nak tanya sikit, Bella mengira guna skill apa? Nampak mudah dan pantas. By the way, tahniah doc!
Jawapan Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Untuk :
Memory counting...

Sumber foto: Instagram
Soalan Netizen
: Dear Dr. Sheikh muszaphar, I hope you don't mind on sharing how to introduce Math to kids from the age 3 years old and help them mastered them at the young age like Bella.
Jawapan Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Untuk :
Start with numbers 1-100. Then do addition plus 1, 2 & 3… repetitively. Make them understand the concept.
Soalan Netizen
: To me, it doesn't matter whether my kids (Lol I have none) love Math or not, what's important to me is, "Do they enjoy the learning process?” I am very bad in Math but I love reading so much and (contrast to your philosophy, I am happy and alhamdulillah doing well in my career). So, I beg to differ ya. Heheee.
Jawapan Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Untuk :
Kids will enjoy Maths if start at an early age. And it has to be an enjoyable environment. Let me know once you have kids...
Soalan Netizen
I heard it’s genetic that determine our experts in Maths.
Jawapan Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Untuk
I disagree. It’s all about hard work and lots of practice.