Jan 04, 2018 - 103542

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INSAN bernama Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie bin Sheikh Mustapha bukan figura asing dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Dia merupakan Orthopaedic Surgeon Malaysia dan rakyat Malaysia pertama yang berjaya menyandang gelaran sebagai Angkasawan Negara yang pertama.
Diterbangkan ke angkasaraya dengan Soyuz TMA-11 pada10 Oktober 2007, ternyata lelaki istimewa ini juga punya satu lagi cabang kepakaran yang barangkali ramai tidak menyedarinya.
Menerusi muat naik demi muat naik status Instagramnya, Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar terus memperkenalkan kaedah-kaedah pendidikan awal yang diamalkannya untuk dua puteri comel — Bella dan Tasha. Dan edisi terbaru dalam famili bahagianya adalah sepasang anak kembar lelakinya, Adam dan Noah.
InTrend ingin mengajak anda melihat bagaimana Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar menjalani hari-hari terawal sebagai seorang bapa yang menemani anaknya ke sekolah buat kali pertama. Tidak lupa, baca juga beberapa tips beliau yang boleh kalian amalkan dalam mendidik anak-anak kecil.
Temanilah Anak Anda, Ia Tanda Sokongan dan Kasih Sayang Anda
Ini Pengalaman Pertama Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar di Minggu Orientasi Anaknya:
“Heading for orientation primary one Islamic school. Bella is super excited and we are too. We just realised how fast the children grow and here we are trying to catch up. Love as always.”

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Hari Pertama Sekolah Tapi Bella Ada Peperiksaan Rupa-rupanya…
Ini Catatan Comel Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar:
“Didn’t realise they have exams during their orientation day. No pencils or erasers or whatsoever. Haha. My mistake. Thought we just come and register. Good luck Bella. I’m cheering you up through the window. I’m sure you will do well. So that was Bella on her first day Islamic school awaiting for the exam papers.”

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Tadika Tempat Anak Kita Belajar Bergaul dan Berinteraksi
Kata Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar:
“And here is Tasha at her Mandarin Kindergarten school. Tasha was upset because she has to sit next to a boy, haha! Be good Tasha... and don’t bully other boys.”

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Hari Pertama Persekolahan, Ini Rupanya Gelora Perasaan Seorang Ayah
Ini yang dikongsi Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar:
“Both girls have their first day of school today. And both are super excited. Dropped Bella to her new Primary School. Then drop Tasha to another kindergarten school — both are Mandarin School. Then back to Bella again to ensure everything is okay. Surely a rush day today. Happy school day everyone!”

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Bella Cuma Bawa RM1 Setiap Hari ke Sekolah
Ini Cara Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Melatihnya:
“We brought sandwiches and sausages for Bella at school. It’s good to see Bella adapt very well. She truly enjoys her Chinese school making lots of friends. We packed Bella’s food since it’s difficult to get halal food. But that’s not a problem. At least we get to monitor the food that she eats. The last thing we want is to find her buying junk food from school. We give her RM1 a day for her expenditure teaching her to save money and put them into her savings. Great to be here during these precious moments.”
Hari Pertama Bella di Sekolah Agama
Ini yang Sempat dirakam Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar:
“First day at Islamic school. In the afternoon it’s Sekolah Agama. Bella is excited but slightly sleepy. Probably her first day. My doa for you Bella. Amiinn…”
Mengapa Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Memilih Pendidikan Sekolah Mandarin Untuk Anaknya?
Ini Jawapan Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar:
“Walking Tasha to school. Many have asked me whether to send their child to a Mandarin School. Many parents are worried whether their child could cope with the language and too much homework. Also difficulty in getting halal food.”
“My answer? Mandarin School is the best choice I have made so far. The teaching technique in SJKC is amazing, students are more disciplined, kids learn a foreign language very fast since their brain are more adaptable compared to us adults and do bring home cooked meal on a daily basis. As to homework, every parent should spend an hour a day with their child to assist them with their schoolwork.”
“Surely you can complete them within that time frame and prepare them for the next day subjects. Bella was in Chinese kindergarten for 2 years before entering SJKC and Tasha too is in her second year. So they already have the basics. Try to send them for a weekly Mandarin Class prior to that. Even if they start afresh, normally the school provides extra classes for those who are weak in Mandarin.”
“So to all parents, don’t worry about it. Don’t underestimate your child abilities. They will adapt extremely fast to their new environment. They might struggle for the first one year but things will get better. Trust me… Insya-Allah.”
“PS — Today Bella told me I need not come during her tea break as she wants to be with her friends. Surely that’s a good sign but deep inside I felt Bella is growing up too fast and I’m not ready to let her go yet.”
Bella Sudah Khatam Al-Quran Sebelum Naik Darjah Satu
Lafaz Syukur Seorang Ayah:
“Alhamdulillah… Bella has completed her Quran. Have a great Monday everyone!”

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