Jan 17, 2018 - 136642

JANGAN aneh kalau kita biasa melihat komen-komen yang banyak bertapak di ruangan komen Instagram milik para selebriti Malaysia, lebih banyak membawa tona suara negatif daripada kata-kata positif.
Agaknya memang sudah lumrah apabila berkata-kata secara digital di alam maya, tiada hati atau perasaan yang perlu dijaga. Tiada air muka yang perlu juga dijaga kerana netizen tidak bertentang mata dengan manusia yang ‘dikomennya’. Kerana itulah orang Malaysia senang sangat berlagak macam hakim paling bijak apabila mula bermadah pujangga di laman media sosial.
Namun semalam, pemuda bernama Adam Mahamed Ismail yang kian terkenal kerana kehandalannya menyediakan beraneka makanan paling lazat lagi menyelerakan nun jauh dari United Kingdom, yang rajin berkongsi resepi-resepi lazat di laman Instagramnya — akhirnya bangkit dan bersuara.
Adam akhirnya bersuara, meluahkan kejengkelan dan kekesalannya dengan sikap netizen Malaysia yang terlalu suka melontarkan pertanyaan, “Halal ke tu bang?” setiap kali memberi komen kepada muat naik status makanannya.
Mengapa Adam Kesal?
Menurut Adam, apa yang dikesalinya adalah bagaimana seorang Muslim yang lain boleh mempertikaikan kewarasan, kebijakan, timbang-tara dan keputusannya sebagai seorang Muslim, apabila dia cuba mempromosikan sesuatu resepi/makanan kepada ratusan ribu Muslim yang lain yang lain, melalui laman media sosial yang terbuka. Apakah dia tidak tahu hukum-hakam seperti penganut agama Islam yang lain? Apakah dia terlalu jahil? Apakah tahap Islaminya kurang daripada orang lain hanya kerana dia memuat naik resepi makanannya dari bumi Mat Salleh dan bukan dari tanahairnya Malaysia?

A Declaration of Faith from a Brother in Islam:
Today marks the day that I've decided to speak up and stand for my faith as a Muslim. I may probably speak on behalf of other Muslims who experience the same issue.
"Does the food you eat Halal?" #TanyaJe
I'm completely saddened with such questions asked by people, who share the same religious beliefs with me. It didn't come to my sense how a Muslim could ask another Muslim if the food he/she eats is Halal?
How could you ask me if the food I ate is Halal? Is it just another way of asking me if I ate Haram food? Or is it simply a public announcement that you're a good Muslim who eats 'only-Halal' food?
Or does it make you feel like a better Muslim??
I wonder what sort of thinking people have in their mind! Are you seriously thinking I suggested non-Halal foods on my IG? Are you seriously thinking I eat non-Halal and post it on IG?
You think "a Muslim like me" could simply eat non-Halal meat as long as it's pork-free? What were "Muslims like you" thinking?!
We share the same religious beliefs, the same Shahadah. What makes you think that I am less Muslim than you? Is it because I'm posting food from the other side of the world and not in Malaysia??
Please don't be stereotyped, or at least don't insult your own intelligence! Halal food isn't a cultural thing, it's not about race or ethnicity, it's not about what you wear or what colour your skin is, and certainly it's not about commercial profits!
Eating Halal food is about faith, it's the acts of worship, it proves the truthfulness of our Shahadah to our Maker and the Prophet.

Stop asking whether the food I posted is Halal or not! Stop questioning things foolishly! Stop making assumptions about things you're unsure! Stop insulting other Muslims in your way to become a good Muslim as it won't make you any better!
I am a Muslim, who try to fulfill my duties — just like everyone of you, who called yourself a Muslim!
This is a polite reminder to every Muslim who revel in slandering and humiliating other human beings, whilst comfortably think they're good Muslims. It's always better to remain silent if there's nothing good or wise to say.