Mar 26, 2017 - 62906

TO my Cats — Cougar, Puma & Leo,
I pray to the Almighty every day that you will all grow up to become good people. Honest, kind, fair, compassionate and sincere. Brilliance of thought and stellar achievements are bonuses. The most important thing is that all of you have at your core goodness.
When your hearts are illuminated by light, freed of hatred and evil, the world around you will bask in that same glow.
That light will allow you to leave this world better than what it was when you came into it.
May Allah's grace guide you always, may His mercy and providence always protect you. May each of your lives be blessed.

Coretan di atas adalah sebuah curhat pendek yang ditulis oleh Yang Berhormat Khairy Jamaluddin. Merupakan anak lelaki tunggal dalam keluarga mantan diplomat, darah kepimpinannya mengalir daripada susur galur datuknya, Penghulu Abu Bakar yang merupakan pemimpin komuniti di Kota, Rembau. Dilahirkan pada 10 Januari 1976 di Bandar Kuwait, Kuwait; YB Khairy merupakan Ahli Parlimen Rembau, Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia, juga memegang portfolio sebagai Menteri Belia dan Sukan Malaysia semenjak tahun 2013.
25 Momen Berharga YB KJ Bersama Anak-anaknya
Muzik, berbasikal, badminton, bola sepak dan bola keranjang — merupakan sebahagian aktiviti bapa-anak yang selalu Yang Berhormat Khairy Jamaluddin muat naik di laman Instagramnya. Kami himpunkan 23 momen terbaik beliau bersama anak-anaknya untuk tatapan InTrenders.
Momen 'Wefie'
KATA YB KJ: "Cougar doing his best impression of Papa's small eyes and ketat smile. Puma just unimpressed."

Momen Papa 'Sado'
Kata YB KJ: "I think this necktie is slightly too long."

Momen 'Matchy-matchy OOTD, Like Father Like Son'
KATA YB KJ: "Puma and I are Coming to America. It's clearly time for Africa. Proud of you, Pums. Everything now ahead of you. Don't look back."

Momen 'The Dabulous DAB'
KATA YB KJ: "Dabs are so 2016 so here's one last one to commemorate Cougar nailing his first black diamond."
Momen 'Welcome To The World, Baby'
KATA YB KJ: "A long December and there's reason to believe maybe this year will be better than the last... Never too early to introduce you to Counting Crows, Leo."
Momen 'Awww... You're My Sweetheart'
KATA YB KJ: "Please never be too 'cool' to kiss your Papa."

Momen Seorang 'Biker' Kental
KATA YB KJ: "Cougar. Papa. Triumph. Life is a highway. Well, flyover at least."

Lagi Momen Seorang 'Biker' Kental
KATA YB KJ: "Cougar's preferred school pick up."

Momen Sempoi Dengan Kapchai
KATA YB KJ: "With Cougar outside his great-grandfather's house."

Momen 'Feeling' Michael Jordan
KATA YB KJ: "Where's Elmo?"

Momen 'I Will Always Be Your Baby'
KATA YB KJ: "Cougar's happy to have Papa back."

Momen 'Awesome Papa'
KATA YB KJ: "Hi I'm Raif. You can also call me Leo. I have an awesome Papa. (At least that's what I hope he's thinking.)"

Momen Hari Bapa
KATA YB KJ: "Whatever you end up doing with your life, no matter what your achievements, regardless of how high you scale the mountain of ambition, the most important thing you will ever do is be a parent. And the most important legacy you will leave behind are your children. Happy Father's Day."

Momen 'Babysitting'
KATA YB KJ: "Papa's day begins!"

Momen 'Babysitting' (Lagi!)
KATA YB KJ: "Not many words exchanged but we understand each other intuitively as though a thousand words have been spoken."
Momen Papa Perlu Lapor Diri ke Parlimen
KATA YB KJ: "Leo wanted to come to the opening of Parliament by the King. I had to explain to him he was overdressed. In other news, he walks!"

Momen Papa Berkhidmat Untuk Anak
KATA YB KJ: "I want ice cream. With the Puma at the Lagoon."

Momen Papa di 'Boot Camp'
KATA YB KJ: "Never too late or early to go back to school! Cougar and I signed up for coding boot camp today at Next Academy to learn the language of the future. Although it was just four hours, we learnt basic programming and some HTML plus CSS! I have been advocating for coding to be comprehensively taught in our national schools so that our kids will be exposed to logical, sequential thinking from early on. I also got my gimp sidekick to launch free coding boot camps for youths without any experience recently and the response has been phenomenal. It's not enough for policy makers to talk about the digital economy. We have to make sure we have the necessary building blocks to create a successful digital economy. This includes making sure we have the right skills and infrastructure (like speedier Internet!) among other things."
"Anyway, we had a great time coding. I don't think Zuckerberg needs to worry about us anytime soon, but we took our first steps in an exciting journey into the future."

Momen Lepak-lepak Hari Minggu
KATA YB KJ: "I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like."

Momen 'Err, Who Do You Think Is Cuter?'
KATA YB KJ: "So, you want to mess with us?"

Momen Papa Bekerja Sambil 'Babysitting'
KATA YB KJ: "Puma has a sip while helping Papa prepare campaign material."

Momen Muzik
KATA YB KJ: "Cool is in your DNA. Coldplay for KL. Please."
Momen Papa Teman Cougar ke Sekolah
KATA YB KJ: "You'll be a man, my son!"

Momen 'You're My Best Dude'
KATA YB KJ: "Soccer Papa."